Managing School Excursion Risk Is Critical!

Simply Ticking Boxes Is a Pointless & Dangerous Approach

Programs outside the classroom make up a huge part of education today. However, every time an excursion is run, a far more complex level of risk is involved compared with a classroom. Most teachers aren't specifically trained to plan for and manage these risks. However, they're expected to write risk assessments and run them as if they are. Staff without any risk management training is just an incident waiting for a time and place to happen. An incident could cost careers, livelihoods and millions of dollars in damages and legal costs. We can help you address this massive risk through specific safety training which gets results.

We Can Help You With Fast & Effective Training!

Xcursion Safety Courses Are Straight Forward & Specific to Excursions. Designed to Build Confidence, Capacity, Decision Making Skills & Safety


We Train To International Standards!

All courses are based upon International Standards - ISO31000 for Risk Management. Our International Travel course is based upon ISO31030, Risk Management For International Travel